Bringing the local community, creatives and entrepreneurs together for Teardusk Insights: Digital Drop In


For our latest Teardusk Insights event we created a 'Digital Drop In' the session focussed on the theme of marketing, creating a space in the heart of Peckham for creatives, entrepreneurs and members of the local community to come together, learn new skills and exchange ideas.


With a full house on the night there were attendees from various backgrounds from students, start ups to professionals from global corporations. The session consisted of various group activities and kicked off with a 30 second icebreaker giving everyone the chance to sharpen their presentation skills and introduce themselves.

The group discussions focussed on producing content, building your brand and utilising technology to make the internet work for you. With a final 'Dragons Den' style challenge to end the night teams had to come together to pitch their business idea to the Teardusk team.


Wasn't able to make our latest Teardusk Insights event? Not to worry we’ll be back again this year. Keep your eyes peeled on our social media platforms for further opportunities.    

Ray Taiwo